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Top 4 Branding Resolutions Your Business Needs to Make for 2022

New Year’s Resolutions are not limited to just people who want to lose weight, find the love of their life, or travel more in the upcoming year. Businesses should get in on them, too. After all, teams that set goals for their company are more likely to succeed than those who don’t set any.

So, what goals does your marketing team have in the coming year? If you haven’t set any, now is the time to start thinking of ways to improve your branding strategies to make 2022 your best year yet.

Here are four awesome branding resolutions all marketing and branding teams should consider in preparing themselves for 2022 and beyond.

1. Check Your Touch Points

Take a look at how people encounter your brand — including prospects, customers and even your own staff. Do your office environment, sales presentation, phone greeting and email signature consistently convey your image and message? If you have an existing digital marketing strategy, you can cross check the execution plan with what you had done in the past year – checking what worked, what failed and learning from there. In case you don’t have a strategy in place, you can still review all your marketing efforts to communicate with your customer, and see wether your efforts were effective or not.

You might also like to read: 10 Ways to Kick Your Brand into High Gear for the New Year

2. Create a brand Strategy – And Actually write It down

Your Brand Strategy sums up why your business exists beyond making money. It defines what it is that makes your brand what it is, what sets it apart from the competition and how you want your customers to perceive it. After all, if you can’t clearly pinpoint what makes your brand different, how will anyone else?

You need a full strategy if you want your brand to have a fighting chance to succeed in this year. The act of writing it down helps you keep track of what you have done, what you are currently engaged in and what you should be doing.

Also read: 10 Reasons Why You Need a Brand Strategy

3. Dust Off your Online Presence

Browse your web presence with fresh eyes and evaluate the content for relevance and clarity. Look at your analytics and evaluate performance. Update team bios and photos. Look for ways to integrate social media — so users can “like” and “share” your content. Consider how the site performs on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices. It might be time to refresh not only the content, but also the design and delivery. The world has changed a lot in the past few years, and being stale and out-of-date reflects poorly on your brand.

4. Make Brand Experience All About the Customer

Personalization is still key as 2022 rolls along, and customers will be expecting even better experiences from brands in the upcoming year. That being said, the concept of personalisation should be engrained in your overall branding strategy. Accenture found that 75 percent of people would prefer to buy from a company that remembers personal details about their shopping history.

Look at Amazon, every time you visit their website, you are given a tailored layout based on your previous behaviour — they have made personalisation a staple in what their UX is all about.

If you want to build a brand around your customer, you need to create a browsing experience that is customer-centric. Throughout everything you do, be prepared to generate more personalized content, messages and experiences for consumers using the proper tools and data.

Read also; How to Study Your Target Market and Increase Sales


As we begin 2022, companies are doing everything they can to anticipate the challenges and emerging trends soon to present themselves. The New Year is a great time to set objectives with your team about refocusing and recommitting to improved branding efforts for the future. Good luck!

If you need help reviewing how your brand did last year and as a result failing to plan for this year.

We can help – Book a 30 minute free, no obligation brand consultation.

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